Thursday 18 June 2020

Here's what Network Marketing is really about and 6 things you must do to succeed in it.

Many people have probably heard about network marketing. But do you know that most of the people who took the network marketing option never really understood it fully especially when they first started out? I think it's best to have a clear picture of every business before you proceed with them, wouldn't you agree?

So this blog post is going to explain to some extent what network marketing actually is, and how you can take full advantage of it to become a real success.

Network marketing is a great platform to get products to consumer really fast and with less cost. No wonder companies are able to reward distributors they way they do. With that said, Network marketing should be a business of interest to anyone who want to be their own boss, work on their own terms, most times from the comfort of their homes, and make some huge profit while assuring themselves of continuous passive income.

So if you're looking for a part-time business, one you can start with a relatively low capital, or something to help you build a continuous stream of income, you may want to try network marketing if you're willing to put in the right attitude towards building your business.

What really is Network Marketing?

Network marketing programs usually involve a low investment for the purchase of a company's product starter or registration kit, which usually contains some selected products that you can use or sell directly to friends, family, and other contacts with some profit. After obtaining the registration kit, distributors or participants may or may not be required to reorder products for direct selling with profit depending on the business model of the company. 

Aside from direct selling of products, network marketing companies may also require participants to recruit other sales representatives or distributors or partners, however that's not always compulsory. The sales and activities of a distributor's downlines (recruits) generate income for him or her and other distributors higher up and above them in the network. 

Thus, the more active recruits you have, the more passive income you earn. The most amazing thing about network marketing aside the prospect of high income is the networking, bonding, team relationships and sense of belonging that comes with it.

What types of network marketing are there?

Networking marketing can proceed in one of three forms, which will in turn dictate how and where compensation of participants is going to come from.

The three types of network marketing strategies are:

Single-Tier Network Marketing

In single-tier network marketing, participants basically sign up to sell the company's products or services and are not required to recruit distributors. Participants' compensation only come from commission on direct product sales. People who are not comfortable with convincing or recruiting people to join their kind of business mostly subscribe to companies that operate this single tier, however, it's not the most popular form of network marketing.

Two-Tier Network Marketing

The two-tier network marketing unlike single-tier network marketing involves recruiting in addition to direct selling. Participants get compensated for both direct selling and for referred traffic and sales made by affiliates or distributors they recruit as downlines.

Multi-Level Marketing

In Multi-level marketing, distributors make money through direct sales of products to customers, and also get compensated for each person they recruit into the business and for the sales made by each participant below them in their team. MLM is basically a network marketing that involves two or more tiers. Example of a MLM company is Alliance in Motion Global Inc. (AIM GLOBAL).

How to succeed in network marketing

Succeeding in network marketing is based on certain actions steps:

#1 Knowing and understanding your target
Understanding your target and customers or prospects' needs and requirement is key to offering products and solutions that best suit them, prompting their desire to buy your products or ideas.

#2 Developing a business strategy
Just like every other actual business, having a written plan and strategy to grow your business, reach a wider audience, make more sales and receive more recruits is crucial to the success of your business. Don't just proceed with mindset of taking whatever you get, map out the strategy and daily action plans to aid your success.

#3 Never stop learning
Yes, this is very important. Always look for ways to improve your network and marketing skills, attend meetings and trainings, and learn more about your products so as to be more confident presenting to potential customers. 

#4 Getting active in growing your network
While direct selling is a great way to make profit, growing your network by recruiting more downlines and grooming them properly is the key to the lifetime earnings and lifestyle upgrade mostly bragged about by network marketing professionals. Growing a team of dedicated downlines ensure that you earn from 1% of your action and 99% of others actions.

#5 Employing digital marketing techniques
The traditional way of doing network marketing was making a list of family and friends and presenting your products and opportunities to them. However, with the advent of digital marketing platforms and skills, you are sure to reach a wider audience, receive less rejections and even get people to seek you out through attraction marketing techniques. Get active in learning about the best platforms to promote your business and products, and your your business grow massively.

#6 Choosing the right company
Making this come last was deliberate. That's because your company of choice can either make or mar your chances of success in network marketing. Go deep into your research into the company, the policies, the compensation plan, terms, and even public opinion before going ahead. Be sure that the network you join is one that's built around encouraging your growth and making sure you become a success.

As a personal testimony, Alliance in Motion Global Inc has one of the very best compensation and payout systems, a company that has produced 10,000+ self-made millionaires already within 14years of existence. Won't you rather prefer to join our network? Find out how.


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